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Choose to Live FREE! Podcast

Guest Media Release Form

The above-named Guest does hereby consent to the recording and distribution of reproduction(s) of the Guest's voice and performance as part of the media program entitled Choose to Live FREE! Podcast Show (herein referred to as the "Program"). This is to confirm that the undersigned has agreed to be interviewed or otherwise participate in the Program, a production of Chief Joy Activator, LLC and Godly Woman & Company.


As a condition of publication/broadcast and for no monetary compensation, Chief Joy Activator, LLC and Godly Woman & Company requests the non-exclusive worldwide rights to reproduce, distribute, and sell your oral and/or video presentation, in whole or in part, in any media, as part of this Program published under the auspices of Chief Joy Activator, LLC and Godly Woman & Company and to license these rights to others, in perpetuity. Chief Joy Activator, LLC and Godly Woman & Company shall have the right to edit and/or transcribe your presentation.


You also grant Chief Joy Activator, LLC and Godly Woman & Company the right to use your name, biography, and likeness in connection with the Program.


You warrant that your presentation is original with you, that publication/broadcast will not infringe on the rights of others, and that you have full power to grant this license. Should your presentation/broadcast incorporate copyrighted materials of others, you warrant that you have obtained such permission from those parties for publication/broadcast by Chief Joy Activator, LLC and Godly Woman & Company, consistent with this Agreement.


If the foregoing terms are satisfactory, please sign this agreement below and return it to the Program coordinator. Execution of this Agreement does not obligate Chief Joy Activator, LLC and Godly Woman & Company to publish your presentation or other materials. Your date of form submission will serve as date wherein agreement is signed. 


By entering my name below, I hereby consent to the use of my oral and/or video presentation as described and agree with the provisions of this release form:

Thanks for submitting!

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