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“I believe heart work is soul work, and doing the soul work produces peace, joy and freedom.”
Kate Coker-Daisie

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Who I Am
Image by Hannes Leitlein

Who I Am

I am...

A child of God, Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Servant Leader, Writer, Founder, Visionary and Executive Director, Heart Transformation Coach...whew! I heard in a sermon by Pastor Craig Groeschel of Life Church that everyone manages five lives daily – the Professional Life, Spiritual Life, Private Life, Social Life and Family Life. That is a lot of lives to always manage and be authentic! Born and raised in Ghana, I migrated to the United States where I earned my Bachelors and Masters degrees in Business Administration and Human Resource Management all thanks to my Late father James Ebow Coker. I have worked as a Champion for People Development for over fifteen years in various private and public sectors and I have been recognized for my commitment to leadership, inspiring women in business, and having high standards of excellence.

Life has taken me across many continents; I have experienced lowly valleys and high mountain tops. Such experiences – childhood and young adulthood sexual abuse – tainted my heart and mind. I know what it means to suffer without God, and to suffer with God. For almost twenty-five years, I lived with a heart full of hurt, pain, shame, guilt and above all unforgiveness until an encounter with the Holy Spirit again, put me on the path towards FREEdom. It was in the seventh year of my marriage when God finally took a hold of my heart and through hard tearful spirit-led work, I slowly shed the weight of my past and embraced the possibilities of living joyfully and FREE. Yes, overcoming the hurts and pains didn’t happen overnight, it was a tough journey of emotional turmoil but ultimately, I received my healing and out of that a purpose born. As I regained control of my being, I fully stepped into my call to take care of women’s hearts towards joy, peace and freedom. Being FREE is to be Faithfully Renewed Encouraged Exceptional woman who is unashamed; knows her worth and is confident in who she is – a child of God. She is free from guilt, hurts, pains, strongholds and shame. A FREE woman enriches her mind, body and soul with biblical teachings. People are blessed by her words and actions, uplifted by her presence. 


Experiencing heartbreak, loss, betrayal, disappointment, unrealized goals, unfulfilled dreams can leave the heart bruised and hurt. As humans we live in a body, we have a soul and shine our spirits every day. Just as you take care of a broken leg, when your heart experiences trauma, it needs to heal.

During my personal transformation journey in 2016, I did the heart work to set my spirit free from the bondage of depression, loneliness, disappointment, sadness…stuck in a tornado. Out of the trenches of sufferings, my purpose to take care of hearts and minds was born. The great losses I have experienced in life compelled me to finally search for my purpose. This journey of heart transformation birthed the I am FREE Woman Ministries Corporation which I am the Founder, Visionary, President and Executive Director AND a good ‘burden’ to transform hearts. A stronger relationship with God now fuels my purpose to see others live joyfully, peacefully and FREE. I put it this way, “I am your guide on the side while you are the sage on the stage of your life; therefore, you take care of business and together, lets take care of your heart.”

Life can be brutal sometimes from the little annoyances to the biggest sufferings and distractions. How do you manage all the hats you wear and still have your sanity? How do you balance it all as a woman after God's own heart? How...How...How! As a Coach, I help Christian women find balance and live a more intentionally focused life centered on their relationship with God, and with others around them. I have a passion for writing. I am the Lead Writer, and Content Contributor for I am FREE Woman ministries’ educational teachings, programs, and communications. My goal in writing is to always use my words to inspire, encourage and teach others how to choose life everyday.

I am also a member of Victory Church and actively serve as a Children’s Ministry Team Lead Coach and as a Facilitator in the Married Life Ministry. Managing these five lives - the Professional Life, Spiritual Life, Private Life, Social Life and Family Life - takes a lot of intentionality, focus and support. I am intentional in achieving life and business goals and I ensure my daily habits, routines and rhythms support the path God has clearly defined for me. I keep my focus on Jesus, even on the days when my vision is blurred…I focus on the Light. I enjoy active lifestyle such as hiking or running, and I enjoy cooking and traveling. Married to my supportive husband James for over a decade, we live in Atlanta, GA with our two children and a Boxer Labrador.


Welcome to my world!

Heart Transformation Coach

Laughing Friends


Take care of your heart and mind; and activate the joy already in you..



Partner with you to do the heart work that sustains your soul – doing your heart work is soul work.

Mother and Baby on Floor


Guide you through various seasons of life transitions.

Graduation Day


Equip you with tools, practical applications to Live intentionally, thrive in love and impact others.

Heart Transformation Coach

Ministry Work

I am FREE Woman Ministries

Image by Christina @


Submit an intake form online.

Schedule a 30-minute free discovery conversation with The Chief Joy Activator.

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Heart Transformation

How is your heart? “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” 

Psalm 5:10


Are you ready to do the work to transform your heart and renew your mind so you can freely give and receive love?

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Life & Living It

“Guard your heart with all vigilance, from it flows the springs of life” Proverbs 4:23


Guide you through various seasons of life and relationship transitions and goals – singleness, pre-marriage, marriage, parenthood, friendships, career transitions, divorce.

Image by Laercio Cavalcanti

Family & Marriage

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”. Mathew 5:8

Marriage – our closest relationships we have next to God. They should make us better as we love and grow together. Time to have that thriving marriage and honorable family. 


Spiritual Growth

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding” Proverbs 3:5

You are a child of God, His Spirit lives in you. With a humble teachable obedient heart and focused mind, you can learn to walk with the Lord in all your ways and days. 

Fitness Studio

Intentional Living

“As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart”  Proverbs 27:19

Do you have dreams, goals that you want to achieve? What are your next steps? In 5 years from now, where would you be with such goals and dreams? 

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Contact Chief Joy Activator


©2021 by Chief Joy Activator

See Business Meets Life CLICK HERE

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